Monday, April 27, 2009


Saturday night my mom and I went to my cousin's high school pop group spring show. They are called Celebration. They were sooo cute!! And AWESOME I might add. They have some amzing singers in that cousin Ben included!! That boy is too funny! He was having so much fun dancing and singing up there I laughed the whole time. He is such a goofball! His older brother Brad was there as well and you could tell he was showing off for him. There is a video of part of one of the songs the guys performed. Its HILARIOUS!! They did the theme song to Pokemon and Ben was the pink bubble. I guarantee you'll be on the floor at the end of the video. I wish I had gotten more but I didn't know how long my camera would last. I'd also like to add that I have not had any kind of soft drink in 3 weeks and as of this morning I've lost 16 pounds in a month! And still counting!

Ben, the next Eminem.

We were a sponsor. In front of our company truck.

Ben playing guitar, second from left.
The Pokemon song.

The Pokemon fight.

The girls doing Circus by Britney Spears
The new N'Sync

Brad and his girlfriend.