Monday, November 3, 2008

Hillary and Ryan's Baby Shower #2

Hillary had another baby shower on Sunday. It turned out so cute! Lisa and Stacie did an EXCELLENT job with the decorations, games, and food.

Pesto Monkey by Gran-Mary Diaper cake and Diaper Baby

Ok too funny!! I didn't even realize I downloaded these 2 pictures side by side. Bronwyn is such a ham and a half! She didn't even know the cake looked like that. Look at the cake above and then Bronwyn's picture below.
James and Riley playing together. She was really cute and James had alot of fun with the kids. Kam you have a great boyfriend!

Pin the baby on the pregnant woman. She was in the middle of talking and this turned out to be a funny picture! Hillary has the funniest faces sometimes! Love you Hill!

James was a good sport. He even participated in the games.

They saw she needed help with the unwrapping. Such helpful kids!

Uh what do I do with this?
Introducing Stacie the tissue paper folder. Great for the holidays, parties, or when you jsut need to fold tissue paper. Get one today!! Running out fast!

They were fasinated by each other
Piggy Bank Tutu
Carla has a coworker who made these burp clothes(picture above and below). The one above says Monkey Princess and the one below says Ryan Elizabeth. They are so pretty and I know Hillary absolutely LOVED them! Good present Carla
Carla also got Ryan a onsie that says "This is my little black dress"

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