Monday, November 24, 2008

The Last Shower

Hillary had her last shower last night. It was given by Phillip's family. We had a really good time. Hillary got ALOT of really cute clothes for Ryan. It's gonna be so much fun seeing her in all those things.

Like Mother like daughter
Spiderman Mason "Mom & Dad's best present ever!"
The back See like I said before give a shower for Hillary and become a tissue folder! HA! Just Kidding! Bronwyn did have fun playing with the tissue paper though. I know what I'm getting her for Christmas.
New prego Abby and About to Pop Hill

This hat our Great Aunt Betty made and won 1st place at the State Fair
She also made this blanket.
Hillary and Stacey. Look how they've grown...apart! hahaha pregnant joke! The picture above if from Oct 11th.

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Honey Girl/Hillary and Ryan's PYT Baby Shower

This weekend was not a good weekend for my poor Honey Girl. Early Saturday morning I was taking a shower and Honey Girl started freaking out. I noticed something coming from her back end. I thought it was poop stuck to her hair(yes I know gross) so I took a tissue and tried to get it off. Well she just yelped and cried. I then noticed it was string coming from her bottom. Having worked at an emergency vet clinic before I know that things like that can be very dangerous and I knew not to pull it because you don't know what it could be attached to. So with my hair in a headband, t-shirt and jeans, and NO makeup(the things I do for my Honey Girl) I went to the vet's office. Dr. Lamping (who is such a great vet by the way with a great bedside manner) took x-rays and told me that he was very worried about what showed up. It looked like her instestines were starting to bunch. If you think of a scrunchy and how the elastic inside makes the fabric bunch, that is how her intestines looked. It looked like the string had gotten caught and were making her intestines bunch up which could lead to gas buildup and then possibly death. I love this little puppy and there was no way I could let that happen. So Dr. Lamping referred me to Lake Ray Hubbard Emergency Animal Hospital where I saw Dr. Claus. She too was very sweet. She agreed with Dr. Lamping regarding the x-rays and said she wanted to do surgery right away. After crying my eyes out about leaving her there, money, and a few other things I left the hospital and went home. About an hour or two later to my amazement Dr. Claus called me back and told me the surgery went very well! She didn't even have to cut into the intestines. But what she did find was a huge glob of string blocking up her colon. We found out that the string was from a rope toy she often played with. And yes I threw that toy away. Be careful about the toys you let your animals play with. I learned my lesson. Below are a couple pictures I took of her tummy where they cut(its bad!) and then one of her in her e-colloar. She does not like it at all! But its so funny to watch her walk in it.
This was right after I picked her up. I took the photo myself so it looks weird.
Her new name is cone head!
Honestly the incision looks painful but she acts like she never had surgery!

THEN!!!!! After hearing Honey Girl was ok I went to Hillary's baby shower with PYT. PYT is a group Hillary and her friends called themselves in high school. Its after a Michael Jackson song. Can you guess?... Pretty Young Things! They are so silly! They even have a dance which they have done at all their weddings. I love this dance so much that I warned them they would have to do it at my wedding. Nope girls its not over!!! HAHAHA! The shower was really fun though. Jane and Katie did such a good job with everything. The PYTs now have little PYTs of their own! I love hanging out with these girls and hearing all their stories. Oh and of course Bronwyn(our little ham) was part of our entertainment. It started with putting a pink ribbon in her hair and then ended up with making her tissue paper suspenders. Our other entertainment was Julia and Claire. Two cuties!! It was so funny because with every gift Hillary would be so surprised at what she got. Everyone was like didn't you register for that? HA Nope! I DID!! Hillary made the mistake of giving me the scanner. Needless to say I had fun!! Hey its a good thing for Hillary because that way everything really is a surprise!

NEW! Tissue Paper Folder Hostess 2008!!! Host a shower for Hillary and become one! HAHA JK Hill!
Hey that's my sock!!
Oh Nana started it!
My sock!!!
This weekend was also FUMC Rowlett's Fall Festival. Sunday we all went to the auction. There's one picture of Bronwyn making a very scary face and then there are some of Cooper. The one of him sleeping looks EXACTLY like Bronwyn when she was that age.