Monday, November 24, 2008

The Last Shower

Hillary had her last shower last night. It was given by Phillip's family. We had a really good time. Hillary got ALOT of really cute clothes for Ryan. It's gonna be so much fun seeing her in all those things.

Like Mother like daughter
Spiderman Mason "Mom & Dad's best present ever!"
The back See like I said before give a shower for Hillary and become a tissue folder! HA! Just Kidding! Bronwyn did have fun playing with the tissue paper though. I know what I'm getting her for Christmas.
New prego Abby and About to Pop Hill

This hat our Great Aunt Betty made and won 1st place at the State Fair
She also made this blanket.
Hillary and Stacey. Look how they've grown...apart! hahaha pregnant joke! The picture above if from Oct 11th.

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