Monday, January 26, 2009

Phil's Birthday

Saturday was Phillip's birthday. First Hill and I went and got our hair cut. She looks sooooo cute!!!! There is a picture of her hair below. Then later on Stacey, Alan, Ollie, and I had dinner with Hillary and Phillip. Hillary got him a Wii. Yet another reason for me to go over to their house! Sorry Phil hahaha! I took Honey Girl over there with me and Ollie loved her. I took Honey Girl outside and Ollie would stand at the door and say Puuuppppyyy Doooogggg!!! It was so funny! Sunday evening Hillary and Phillip brought Ryan over. She is just too precious.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ryan Elizabeth aka Chipmunk

Ryan is offically 1 week old. Hillary and Phillip had to go to the doctor yesterday and since my mom was with my Grandpa I left work and stayed with Ryan. Which makes me THE FIRST OFFICIAL BABYSITTER!!!!! haha Hillary and I were being silly last night saying that because I got to stay with her before any of the grandmothers! I was a little proud I guess hahaha :) When Heather had Bronwyn, she and Josh would take pictures of her next to a stuffed bear every week. Erin and Scott do that as well with a Dr. Seuss Cat in the Hat. So when I got Hillary Princess Bobby Jack Ballerina I reminded her she needed to take Ryan's picture since it was officially her 1 week birthday. Ryan has the best facial expressions. I know everyone says she's too young to smile and that its just gas but I really think she smiling. I mean she has to be look at her parents...the 2 silliest people EVER! I bet you anything she's thinking of jokes and sarcastic remarks like her daddy says.