Thursday, July 5, 2012

Sparklers, Fireworks, and Waterballoons, Oh My!

Oh My is right!! I just got back from my 6 week appt and it went very well.  I haven't had any problems or pain and I've lost 34 pounds! Dr. Nick said that my ideal weight loss is 84 pounds in 12 to 18 months and I'm 5 pounds shy of HALF WAY! Now granted I know I'm not gonna lose another 30 pounds in 6 more weeks but with the amount of working out and I'm for sure getting my protein in, I should be doing well in the months to come. Knowing I was above the average weight loss for my height sure made my day! I work out about 3-4 times a week doing aerobic kickboxing. And let me tell ya its no walk in the park. Hillary and I went the morning of July 4th and half way through I asked if she hated me yet and she gave me the evil eye and said YES. haha. She was kidding of course. She hadn't done kickboxing in a while but has been doing bootcamps through Rock Star Fitness which I used to do with her. She loves working out as much as I do. Sometimes I think maybe more. As my weight comes off I have definitely noticed I have more energy and can last through my class.  Before I could barely get through. There's a girl in my kickboxing class that is SUPER FIT. I don't neccessarily want to look like her because she is TOO skinny and has too many muscles for a girl but I want the energy she has.  She just jumps around non stop going all out. But like I said I'm noticing I have more energy now(not nearly as much as her but more than I used to). I did a Zumba class last Sunday and thought this is a breeze compared to kickboxing. Don't get me wrong I still sweated my butt off but I wasn't as exhausted as I was before my surgery. So I know I can do this and get even better!

So the last weekend in June we went to my step brother Heath's house for a pre 4th family get together. We had alot fun. Surprisingly it wasn't too hot.  We cooked out and at the end of the night we shot fireworks. He lives in Terrell on some land so we had plenty of room. Well actually the guys had plenty of room to light'em and run and the rest of us were able to sit far enough back. :) We decided to make it a tradition.

For the 4th every year we go to my grandpa's house for dinner and waterballoon toss/fight. We always have a good time and it never fails I get soaked. I've posted a picture from last 4th along with this year's to show any differences of my weight loss. Honestly I think the biggest difference is the length and color of my hair lol!

Sparklers and Fireworks

This one is pretty neat. I actually took this of the fireworks being shot off.

July 4th 2011

July 4th 2012

Ryan chasing Cooper with a water balloon

The BEST waterballoon shot! My cousin Sarah

I hope everyone had a great and safe 4th!!

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