Monday, October 6, 2008

Weekend Wrap-up

My niece Bronwyn turned 3 on Sept 29th and we celebrated her birthday on Sunday. It turned out pretty good! Weather was nice not too hot and we had great food, fun, and company. She got lots of princess stuff but that's not a surprise since she is a Princess. Her new name is Princess Bronwyn Cinderella. Among her gifts she received 2 Cinderella dresses (one which she wore all night Sunday), a tinkerbell costume which she is going to be for Halloween, and her own tiara. She also got gloves to go with her dresses. After her party she wanted to wear her Cinderella dress and gloves and she and I played "Presenting Princess Bronwyn Cinderella" all night. I'm not her ego booster at all!! :) Unfortunately my camera died during her party but I took alot of pictures of her in her Cinderella dress with a disposable camera. So hopefully soon I will have those up.

Friday I went to Heather and Josh's to visit. I hadn't seen Cooper in 2 weeks so I had to go visit. I got to hold him while he slept. He is so tiny! I can't wait to see the kind of personality he ends up having.

Saturday evening Heather came over with the kids (yes very weird to say) so that she could prepare some of the stuff for the party. So the pictures below are from Friday at H & J's, our house Saturday, and then Sunday at the party. Pictures from sunday night will follow soon.

My mom made that! She's so creative!

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