Monday, February 23, 2009

I am animal jinxed!

Yes I am animal jinxed! I can not keep animals. As some of you know I no longer have Honey Girl. She had major seperation anxiety and could not be crate trained. Not only crate trained but she just couldn't be left alone. But everytime I put her in her crate she would poop in it. She freaked out so bad she couldn't hold it. She was great when she was out though. She rarely had any accidents in the house when I was home. Well I did everything I could so I called the breeders and they said I could bring her back. They would find her a wonderful home with someone who could be with her fulltime or they would keep her themselves. I just couldn't stand keeping her in a poopy crate during the day. She was the funniest and sweetest dog. I miss her so much!!

Well the reason why I'm saying I'm animal jinxed is because Pierre the Shrimp has passed away. Pierre came to America to become famous and was unfortunately unable to make it in the big time. But he was trying very hard. He was running low on cash so he decided to get a job. What other way to be surrounded by beautiful people he could get to know and make get a "tentacle" in the door. He became a fitness trainer. Not only would he be surrounded by the beautiful people but he could get buff himself. Pierre found a job as a trainer and was loving it. Who doesn't want a buff trainer with an accent? Unfortunately the job wasn't loving him. A few years ago Pierre had gone to the doctor and was told he had a heart condition. But he couldn't let that get in the way of becoming famous. He wanted to do whatever he could to get his 15 minutes of fame...decently of course. Well anyway when asked about any conditions he told his job he was healthy. He didn't think anything like this would ever happen. But today as he was working out on his day off he had a heart attack. Poor thing had so much going for him. So I'm sharing his story for his 15 minutes of fame. I'm sure he's the most famous French cleaner shrimp in heaven! Au Revoir Pierre!

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