Monday, August 13, 2012

Forty, Friends, and Fabulous

I have hit my halway mark for my FIRST goal! I've lost 40 pounds! After this weekend that might not be the case though :(. But I had a good weekend and I work out like a fiend so it'll be ok.

One of my best friends came in town this weekend.  She hasn't seen me in person since before my surgery. We had a good time this weekend. We went to dinner and then met up with another friend, Brian, on Friday. Sorry B I meant to get a picture of us. As yall know I like pictures :). Saturday we met up with Ashley, Shannon, and Lauren at PF Changs. Mmmmm! Haven't had that in a long time. Still pretty amazing how little I eat now compared to how I used to eat. Carla and I shared(which I used to never do I wanted all my food) and we didn't even eat it all between the 2 of us. Sunday we met up with Melinda and Jessica. Melinda is like a 2nd mom to Carla and her step daughter, Jessica, I've been friends with since 4th grade. I always thought it was funny how Carla met Jessica before even knowing Jessica and I were friends and how they clicked as friends right away. So our friendship turned out pretty good in high school.

My sister Heather brought some pictures of my niece Bronwyn and nephew Cooper up to my office today. As I was putting one of the pictures in a frame at my desk I found a picture of me and my other sister Hillary from her wedding. Wow what a difference. I showed it to my cousin Leslie and she said she didn't even recognize me at first in the picture.  I'm also going to post a picture of me and my sisters and Lauren's wedding last October and compare it to a picture of me, Carla, and Jessica from yesterday only because I am in the middle in both pictures. I think its a good comparison.

I hope everyone has a FABULOUS week!

Compare the one above to the one below

And this one is the picture I found from 6 years ago.

1 comment:

abby said...

I barely recognized you or Hillary in that picture! I don't remember her being blonde?? You are doing great! Love Love!