Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Keeping up

 I am down 39 pounds! Come on you pesky little one pounder, let's round it off! Things are going pretty well.  I work out 5-6 times a week doing kickboxing. I've even recruited Hillary to go with me a couple times a week now.

I did something this weekend that I don't think I've been able to do since high school. Drum roll please...I fit into clothes from Old Navy! Clothes from the girl side! Not t-shirts from men's side like usual. Being a big girl my whole life, this is well...big! After going to weight loss camp before my sophmore year I remember trying on some shorts and how they fit really well. I didn't have to squeeze or suck in. It was a very heady feeling for someone who's never been able to go into any store and just pick something out and it fit perfect. But then of course I gained it all back and could only wear men's t-shirts and even then they weren't well fitted. That feeling I had after camp had resurfaced though. I tried on some jeans and a dress.  I didn't get the jeans because HELLO it's August and blazing outside! I'm hoping by the time I need jeans I will have gone down another size anyways. Old Navy has different styles and I only tried on one pair but these were even baggy! It was a good day!

So here's my progress picture in my Old Navy dress.  I still have a looong way to go and I'm sure I look the same in the last couple posts to some of you but to me I notice my back is smoother and I'm losing my tire hahaha.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your dress sweet friend! You are looking great & stylish! Keep it up!! I love reading your progress! -Shannon