Friday, August 29, 2008

The Meeting

I brought Honey Girl home last night. She is just too cute! She met both Richard and Maizie for the first time last night. Richard was non too pleased when we finally told him(about 2 or 3 weeks ago) I was getting a puppy. But he got over it and thought she was pretty cute. I knew he would, he's just a big teddy bear underneath that rough exterior. But don't tell him I told you that I'll deny everything! Maizie did really well meeting Honey Girl last night. She sniffed her alot but kept her distance most of the time just trying to figure out who she was. While we were outside they played with each other and chased each other. I took a few pictures of them playing together inside. Also Carla came in town just for one day for work and was able to see and play with the puppy too.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Baby Dylan

Yesterday Mr. Dylan James Struwe, my little nephew, was baptized. He's getting so big and has such a big personality to match. He is so cute! It's no doubt he is Scott's son. OH WAIT did I just compliment my brother? OH MAN!!! Well I do have to admit Scott and Erin have done well. He is just too cute for words. After the baptism we all gathered at Debbie and Dennis's, Erin's parents, house in McKinney. They have such a gorgeous home! Josh, Bronwyn, Simon, and Haylee(The Daredevil) went swimming in the pool and some of the adults sat outside, watched, talked, and enjoyed the shade from the very warm day. Here are some of the pictures I took.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm SMOKIN!!! Or at least gonna be!

No I don't mean I'm smokin cigarettes. Carla and I have decided to make a change. For Real this time(Hand on shoulder SYTYCD fans!) We have joined a website called It's where we can check each other's calories for the day. It's like myspace where you can add friends and look at their profiles. It's pretty neat. We have vowed that this time next year we will be ON FIRE! I've made alot of realizations this year. As time goes by I'm getting more and more eager to make a change and more ready to do it too. I joined Lifetime Fitness last October and just with exercise I've been able to maintain my weight...mostly. I have to really change my eating habits for it to make a real difference. I am diabetic so this is something that HAS to be done to save my life in the long run. I went and saw a diabetic practitioner yesterday(I know go me!). She was very imformative and sweet. She told me that there was a study with 3 groups. The first group took no medicine but changed eating habits and exercised majorly. Like they had trainers and nutrionists and made a life change. The second group took metformin(which I'm on) and exercised moderately. The third group was told they needed to eat healthier and exercise but thats it. Well by the end of the study the 3rd group improved their health by 8%, the 2nd group by about 15-25%(around there bc I don't exactly remember the exact #), and the 1st group who made a life changing commitment with NO meds improved by over 50%!!! Now who's gonna tell me that's not amazing? I see so many people who have experienced the effects of diabetes and honestly I don't want to go through that. My mom has gone through some MINOR effects caused by diabetes compared to the MAJOR effects and you'd think living to see that I'd have changed a long time ago but those of you who know me well I'm a pretty stubborn person. I want to do things in my own time. Well sometimes I can't do that. It's takin me a long time to be ready and I feel that I am now. I can't do this the easy way with surgery as much as I really want to so I'm gonna have to do this the good ol' fashioned hardass way. A regular form of diet and exercise. So to those of you out there reading this I need your support. I need your tough love! By this time next year Carla and I are going to look like this! (Sorry I'm not very good at cropping can someone show me? lol)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I am one of those!

Yep I am one of those people who like to dress up their dogs and take them out in public. I saw this shirt and HAD to get it for Honey...because of course she is a princess. It was a little too big for her but she'll grow into it. She's my own little baby to play dress up with. HA! Friday afternoon Hillary and I went to see her and she was so playful. I bought her a little monkey to play with too. 2 mre weeks until she comes home! I am so grateful that the people I am getting her from allow me to see her before I can take her home. They are such great people. If you are interested in dachshunds go to Here are some pics of our visit on Friday. Also check out Hillary's page soon to see her with Honey.

Friday, August 15, 2008

She's ready but am I?

Yo Jennice can I borrow that?! By the time the new year comes I will be the proud Aunt Hay to 2 nieces and 2 nephews all under the age of 4. Three of them will be under the age of 1! Bronwyn is 2 and will be 3 in Sept, Dylan is almost 6 months old, Heather is due with Cooper in Sept, and Hillary is due with "not Channing" in Dec. No doubt am I so excited though. I remeber when Bronwyn was born everyone wanted to hold her and there just wasn't enough of her to go around. Now there will be 3 babies to ooo and aww at and share the holding. More than likely though I will probably be giving my attention to New Big Sis Bronwyn. Being the only one for 3 years she's gotten alot of attention. She's gonna be shell shocked come the New Year. I don't mind though because she is the cutest and funniest little girl. Everytime I see her now she asks if she can play with my hair. I'll try and get pictures of her creative artwork next time.

Babies! Babies! Babies!

Babies Galore! There is definitely something in the air, water, or whatever. As you know, my 2 sisters are pregnant. My cousin Abby, a friend of Hillary's is pregnant and I just found out that Carla's best long time friend is pregnant too. I'm about to go buy me one of those gas masks. Not only is everyone around me, it seems, is pregnant there are also many weddings being planned. I just found out that Shannon Shoemaker got engaged, Kacy Cox(she was Jessica's Maid of Honor), Courtney Schrade, and a few others I went to high school with are engaged as well. I guess spring and summer really are when things like this happen most. Congrats to all those expecting, whether it be babies or new husbands.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My little Honey Girl

So once again I have done something I never thought I'd do. I started a blog. Jumped on the bandwagon! So pull up a chair and enjoy!

My Mema calls me and my 2 sisters her Honey Girls. I just love that. So on August 28th I will be bringing home my own lil Honey Girl. A long hair dachshund. She is the cutest thing ever! My mom has a cairn terrier named Maizie Grace. She follows my mom everywhere. Well I wanted my own dog that adored me as much as Maizie adores my mom. I have always LOVED dachshunds. They're called clowndogs sometimes. She'll be 8 weeks old on Aug 28th. I can't wait! Keep a lookout for more photos!
God made the little Dachsie to brighten up our day-
He took a bit of sunshine- Laughter, love, and play-
and rolled it up in a sausage shape just right for a hug,
with bright eyes full of mischief set in its little mug.
With little paws a pattering, to take it here and there-
and a cold wet nose - but then He thought, "Oh, what
about the hair?
Shall I make it long and silky, or wiry, that's so sweet,
or make it simple, and have it smooth and satiny and
And what about the color - how can I pick just one?
Shall it be Black, or Red or Brown or Dappled, just for
He pondered while He made the world, And all the creatures
great and small-
And then the answer came to Him- "OF COURSE! I'LL
So remember that a Dachshund is special, from above-
His coat of many colors is a sign of God's Great Love.