Friday, August 15, 2008

She's ready but am I?

Yo Jennice can I borrow that?! By the time the new year comes I will be the proud Aunt Hay to 2 nieces and 2 nephews all under the age of 4. Three of them will be under the age of 1! Bronwyn is 2 and will be 3 in Sept, Dylan is almost 6 months old, Heather is due with Cooper in Sept, and Hillary is due with "not Channing" in Dec. No doubt am I so excited though. I remeber when Bronwyn was born everyone wanted to hold her and there just wasn't enough of her to go around. Now there will be 3 babies to ooo and aww at and share the holding. More than likely though I will probably be giving my attention to New Big Sis Bronwyn. Being the only one for 3 years she's gotten alot of attention. She's gonna be shell shocked come the New Year. I don't mind though because she is the cutest and funniest little girl. Everytime I see her now she asks if she can play with my hair. I'll try and get pictures of her creative artwork next time.

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