Friday, July 24, 2009

No Spit

I went over to Hillary's house yesterday to move in some stuff. I will be living with Hillary and Phillip for a few months. Wish us all luck!! So Hillary started feeding Ryan and Ryan started spitting out her food like she was playing. Hillary said No Spit and then made the noise. Well Ryan thought that was the funniest thing because every time Hillary would say No Spit or make the noise she would laugh and laugh and laugh. Here is a video I took with my phone. You can't really see it but you can hear her laughing.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bronwyn's Choir Performance and my new hair

Sunday Bronwyn sang in her choir at church. They were so cute! I couldn't really tell what they were saying except for ROAR! because it was a lion song. They also wore lion manes out of paper plates. She also did her signature move HAHAHA! You'll see! Saturday I went and got my hair done. Its very very dark! I liked it when my hair was dark last year but some how its not like that now. I'm not liking it too much today. It washes me out so I'm starting to tan again :). Maybe that will help.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Saturday night my mom and I went to my cousin's high school pop group spring show. They are called Celebration. They were sooo cute!! And AWESOME I might add. They have some amzing singers in that cousin Ben included!! That boy is too funny! He was having so much fun dancing and singing up there I laughed the whole time. He is such a goofball! His older brother Brad was there as well and you could tell he was showing off for him. There is a video of part of one of the songs the guys performed. Its HILARIOUS!! They did the theme song to Pokemon and Ben was the pink bubble. I guarantee you'll be on the floor at the end of the video. I wish I had gotten more but I didn't know how long my camera would last. I'd also like to add that I have not had any kind of soft drink in 3 weeks and as of this morning I've lost 16 pounds in a month! And still counting!

Ben, the next Eminem.

We were a sponsor. In front of our company truck.

Ben playing guitar, second from left.
The Pokemon song.

The Pokemon fight.

The girls doing Circus by Britney Spears
The new N'Sync

Brad and his girlfriend.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

My last name is Finigan. A very known Irish name. I take pride in my Irish heritage. I wish I knew more about it. I get disappointed knowing that I am the last Finigan child in my immediate family and when I get married I won't be able to carry it on to my children. Though I have thought about using it as a middle name for one of my kids but its not the same. Also I know that when I do get married I will use my last name as my middle name too but again its not the same. I know I have quite a while before that happens because I'm not even dating anyone right now. BUT today is St. Patrick's Day and its one of my favorite holidays. No I don't celebrate it much but I love it because its part of who I am. I want to go to Ireland one day and go to Finnigan's Pub. And yes it's spelled wrong! ;) Did you ever hear about how the name Finigan came to be? Well it used to be just Fin. But in town whenever a Fin would come down the road they would always say "Here comes that Fin-again." Get it! Fin-again...Finigan. Hope everyone has a LUCKY day!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

I am animal jinxed!

Yes I am animal jinxed! I can not keep animals. As some of you know I no longer have Honey Girl. She had major seperation anxiety and could not be crate trained. Not only crate trained but she just couldn't be left alone. But everytime I put her in her crate she would poop in it. She freaked out so bad she couldn't hold it. She was great when she was out though. She rarely had any accidents in the house when I was home. Well I did everything I could so I called the breeders and they said I could bring her back. They would find her a wonderful home with someone who could be with her fulltime or they would keep her themselves. I just couldn't stand keeping her in a poopy crate during the day. She was the funniest and sweetest dog. I miss her so much!!

Well the reason why I'm saying I'm animal jinxed is because Pierre the Shrimp has passed away. Pierre came to America to become famous and was unfortunately unable to make it in the big time. But he was trying very hard. He was running low on cash so he decided to get a job. What other way to be surrounded by beautiful people he could get to know and make get a "tentacle" in the door. He became a fitness trainer. Not only would he be surrounded by the beautiful people but he could get buff himself. Pierre found a job as a trainer and was loving it. Who doesn't want a buff trainer with an accent? Unfortunately the job wasn't loving him. A few years ago Pierre had gone to the doctor and was told he had a heart condition. But he couldn't let that get in the way of becoming famous. He wanted to do whatever he could to get his 15 minutes of fame...decently of course. Well anyway when asked about any conditions he told his job he was healthy. He didn't think anything like this would ever happen. But today as he was working out on his day off he had a heart attack. Poor thing had so much going for him. So I'm sharing his story for his 15 minutes of fame. I'm sure he's the most famous French cleaner shrimp in heaven! Au Revoir Pierre!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Phil's Birthday

Saturday was Phillip's birthday. First Hill and I went and got our hair cut. She looks sooooo cute!!!! There is a picture of her hair below. Then later on Stacey, Alan, Ollie, and I had dinner with Hillary and Phillip. Hillary got him a Wii. Yet another reason for me to go over to their house! Sorry Phil hahaha! I took Honey Girl over there with me and Ollie loved her. I took Honey Girl outside and Ollie would stand at the door and say Puuuppppyyy Doooogggg!!! It was so funny! Sunday evening Hillary and Phillip brought Ryan over. She is just too precious.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Ryan Elizabeth aka Chipmunk

Ryan is offically 1 week old. Hillary and Phillip had to go to the doctor yesterday and since my mom was with my Grandpa I left work and stayed with Ryan. Which makes me THE FIRST OFFICIAL BABYSITTER!!!!! haha Hillary and I were being silly last night saying that because I got to stay with her before any of the grandmothers! I was a little proud I guess hahaha :) When Heather had Bronwyn, she and Josh would take pictures of her next to a stuffed bear every week. Erin and Scott do that as well with a Dr. Seuss Cat in the Hat. So when I got Hillary Princess Bobby Jack Ballerina I reminded her she needed to take Ryan's picture since it was officially her 1 week birthday. Ryan has the best facial expressions. I know everyone says she's too young to smile and that its just gas but I really think she smiling. I mean she has to be look at her parents...the 2 silliest people EVER! I bet you anything she's thinking of jokes and sarcastic remarks like her daddy says.