Friday, December 19, 2008


Bonjour Mon Ami. Mon nom est Pierre. I am a French Cleaner Shrimp from Paris and I have just arrived in America. I have come here to become famous. In what I do not know but America is as you know "The land of opportunity", no? I live with 5 roommates(blue leg hermit crabs). Gary the struggling model, Bryce the rich boy, Squirrel(we don't know his real name) the cowboy, Delilah the actress, and Sam the waitress. It is a strange country I have noticed already. I was not sure if I would like it here at first. When I arrived I noticed everyone swimming on the wrong side of the tank! But then I met my roommates. Very strange but pleasant people. I spent most of my first day cleaning. Squirrel came up to me and asked why I cleaned so much and I told him, "I am a Cleaner Shrimp that is what I do." Though tomorrow is another day! Before you know it I will be FAMOUS! In what I don't know but soon I will find out. As for now I am enjoying cleaning my new home with my new roommates. Until next time, Au revoir!

1 comment:

Carla Rae said...

You=Dork!!! You crack me up Hay!