Wednesday, September 17, 2008

He's Here!

Most of you have already seen these pictures but if you haven't YEA!! And if you have look at them again! :)
Well Cooper is FINALLY here! We are so excited and he looks perfect! Most of the pictures are from the lobby while we waited all day. I arrived at the hospital at 9 but Heather and Josh had been there since 5:30. Cooper Stephen William Medlock was born September 29, 2008 at 7:28 PM. He is 7 pounds and 6 oz. He couldn't be anymore perfect. This picture is Bronwyn watching a movie while waiting in the lobby. This was pretty early in the day.

All the grandmothers.
Grammy, Nana, and Grandma

The perfect shirt for her. She is so excited to be a big sister and could hardly wait for Cooper to arrive.

Nana and Miss B
Watchin a movie on her new butterfly blanket.

I love this picture! This was truley a kodak moment.

Last time as a family of 3.

Hillary loves to dance!

Bronwyn showing Hill how to do her recital dance.

Hillary showing Bronwyn how to curtsey

We told Bronwyn this was her Princess throne so this is her "I'm a Princess" look.

Before Heather's C-Section

Bronwyn and Dylan

Bronwyn looks like a little old lady

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