Thursday, September 25, 2008

Quirk off

Ok so I've been told I need to do this quirk off for some time now. So here in no particular order are my 5 quirks.

#1. I hate feet!! Not just anyone's but my own too. Yet I don't like to wear shoes. As much as I dislike them you'd think I'd want to cover them up. Well except I do like socks. The only white socks I own are ankle socks. All my other ones are colored and have designs. If I'm gonna wear something on my feet they might as well not be drab. I guess my loathe of feet and white socks would be two different ones but I'll keep them as one since they have to do with the same part of the body. Another reason why I don't like my own feet is that I have no toenails. Well I do but all but my big toenail are pretty non existent. Whenever I get pedicures the ladies always make fun because they don't have anything to work with. Actually those are the only people I let touch my feet. And that's just because they are in hot water first. Now I don't have gross feet I just think ALL feet are gross. I don't like them anywhere near me. My friends like to tease sometimes and try to put their feet near me and I freak out. I know I'm more weird than quirky.

#2. I like to dress up my dog. I'm not as bad as some people but I'm sure I would be if I had the money. The first thing I bought her was a pink and white shirt that says Yield to the Princess because of course she is a princess. Princess Honey. I also have a pink dress that says Spoiled dog all over it. She hasn't worn that one yet because she doesn't look very good in a dress. She's more of a t-shirt dog. She does pretty well with them after a few minutes of getting used to it. I also bought her little bows for her ears. They are too cute!! See Weekend Wrapup Blog for pictures. She wore them with her Here Comes trouble shirt. Carla told me she was getting her a UT shirt that had rhinestones or sparkles on it. I'm way excited! I've been wanting to get her a UT shirt for a while. She also needs a Cowboys shirt. So if anyone knows where I can get one let me know!! She's like a little doll I have to dress her up! Just wait til the holidays!!!!

#3. I'm addicted to wedding magazines. Partly because I want to get married pretty bad but also because I am such a big planner. That will be my #4. But anyways whenever I'm at the store it takes alot for me to not reach for a bridal magazine and put it in my basket. I like to look at the flowers, bridemaids dresses, and see if there are any ideas or pictures for the wedding cakes. I've always said that I won't be having a traditional wedding cake. I just don't like white wake and I don't want it to be plain white on the outside. The wedding cake will be chocolate and the groom can have the white cake. And no I don't have a boyfriend yet so yes this is pretty weird for me to be planning my wedding already. HAHA! But hey if you have any single brothers, friends, friends of brothers send them my way!! Just need someone to stand at the alter I've got everything else covered!! HA!

#4. As mentioned above I'm a big planner. I have to have some sort of plan for everything. I'm not a spur of the moment kind of person. I mean my birthday is 2 months away and I'm already planning what I want to do. I'm like this every year. I start counting down the days starting from my friend's birthday near Labor Day. I love birthdays! But that's not the point. Planning is the point. I even over pack way too much when going on trips because I have to have a plan for everything. And no things don't always go "as planned." Last year I made plans for my birthday, changed them, then changed them again and the day before those plans changed again! So I may plan for a lot of things but they don't usually stick.

#5. This one I know I'm not the only one. When I eat I eat all of one food group at a time. Like if I'm eating a sandwich and chip/fries I will eat the chips/fries first and then the sandwich. Or if I'm at a restaurant and I have meat, veggies, and a starch I will eat all of one thing before I start the next. I'll eat the veggies first and finish those, then something else and finish that and then the last. I don't like my food touching each other either. At home I usually put my veggies on a different plate so that they don't touch my other food.

So that's my weird quirky things about me. So now its your turn!! I challenge you to name 5 quirky things about yourself.

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