Friday, September 12, 2008

Sleep Studies are COOL!!!

Uh yea not really! As some of you know I have had to do a couple of sleep studies. My doctor says that I have sleep apnea. Well according to the doctor who works at the sleep place and the techs who had to hear me snore all agree. The first time I went it was to study my brain waves and oxygen level to see if I really have sleep apnea. The whole time I would say thats not possible because even though I do snore, I sleep on my stomach so I never wak myself up snoring. Now if I sleep on my back or in a chair then yes I do wake myself up snoring. So I went in not knowing what to expect. Well I was in for a bit of a shock. They put all these sensors all over your head, chest, neck, and shins. I seriously thought I looked like an alien. I had wires coming out from everywhere! They tell you that you have to sleep on your back otherwise you'll get tangled up. Ugh I hate sleeping on my back! Along with the wires coming out of my head I also had to wear a nose plug for oxygen and one of those fingers things that keep track of your heart rate. So after uncomfortable sleep (not from the bed or anything just the wires which by the way the room is probably the only good thing about it bc its a regular looking room kinda like a hotel) from having to sleep on my back, a finger heart thing that felt like it was cutting off my circulation, an oxygen nose plug, and a tech who kept coming in to fix the nose plug because it wasn't working, I was told I do have sleep apnea. The tech the next morning said I snored pretty bad and my oxygen level went down pretty bad. About a week later the doctore confrmed. SO last night I had to go back and try out a CPAP. Its a machine that gives me more oxygen. Last night was more uncomfortable than the first night. Not only did I have the same sensors coming from everywhere I had this huge mask on that plugged up my nostrils. I had to breath in and out through my nose only and everytime I opened my mouth I got shot with cold air. Literally it was so hard to talk. Attached is a picture of what I looked like. I seriously look like an elephant!! Oh yea and I got new glasses! Cute, huh? Also attached are pictures of Maizie and Honey Girl playing outside and one of Honey imitating her toy. See if you can tell which one she is.

1 comment:

Carla Rae said...

Wow HG has gotten SOOOO big!!!! How cute!!